welcome to my blog!

come inside and view the visual delight that is my words and thoughts typed all in one convenient space know as blogger, enjoy the tantalising sensations of my witty vocabulary served on the golden platter of the internet, wonder through the elaborate crockenbouche's that are my blogs, and if you dare, try the sweet deserts know as hyperlinks and travel to a distant place to which your senses have never been,

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neon lights
universal is taking over the world and not just ours, universal now owns the wizarding world

Monday, May 31, 2010

last post for MPI104 2010

i have learnt a great deal in this subject, and i think a lot of it will defiantly be helpful now and later on. the first week we explored the uses of google other than a search engine, i discovered all these thing that i had not idea existed, like google docs and reader amongst others, which i find my self using outside the class in my everyday life. it was also revealed how to 'rig' google into finding your web page, by get other pages to link to it using hyperlinks. the next week we had to star our own blog page and make weekly contributions to, and it was the beginning of looking at HTML, i found making a HTML web page in text edit very fun and insightful into how web pages are structured and coded to produce the finished product. doing this also helped greatly when dealing with templates and CSS later on in week 7, as the concept of tags and codes where not new, and i already had a basic understanding of how they worked from previous lessons. it was good to learn about how to alter HTML on pages like my blog using CSS, to individualise my page and add things such as page counters.
i greatly like the idea of the site delicious, and have now got into the habit of bookmarking good webpages i find in delicious. the concept is brilliant especially for those who have multiple computers or have to move between computers and want to keep all there bookmarks in the one place. flickr on the other hand i don't use outside this class as i already have other social networking sites to share my photos on, but I'm shore that it did have its place on the web before networks like myspace and Facebook came along.
learning about FTP and web publishing was probably my favourite thing to learn about, using the program fetch to upload my web page to the uni server. it was interesting to see how to use iWeb and word to create a web page and have it accessible to the world.
RSS feeds where very interesting to discover, and how google reader uses them to give updates on sites without having to load the whole page.
the concept of 'PING'ing was not new to me but was still interesting non the less, learning about pinging IP address was new and interesting
technorati seemed a little pointless to me but i can see why it is used, it is basically a search engine for blogs, but as blogging doesn't hold my attention well neither does this, but it does have its advantages like being all real time information that is being provided in a search, unlike searching google where the information could be years old.

i have enjoyed this class very much and have learnt a lot from it that i will use this information for many years to come.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


it sound like a mix between technology and karate... sort of, not really.
but it does promote my blog on their blogger search engine in the technorati website, which is pretty cool, and sort of strange, as i will be ranked against other peoples blogs, and if i become really really popular i could be number one on their top 100 blogs list.
but i need people to link to my blog page if i want all that to happen.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

FTP and web publishing

that cute little puppy of a program is what makes web publishing so easy.
just upload your word files, correctly saved and named, to the server and all of your content is out in the world wide web.
their are a lot of little steps to take if you want to move or make modifications to any file though, and if you put a dot or a dash in the wrong spot somewhere along the way you could be lost forever trying to find out what you did wrong and why all your pretty pictures now all look like question marks. yes that did happen to me once, but i rectified the problem and now my page looks as good as new. check it out right here
i also think its great that the uni allows us to download fetch for free! which i have now done.

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