welcome to my blog!

come inside and view the visual delight that is my words and thoughts typed all in one convenient space know as blogger, enjoy the tantalising sensations of my witty vocabulary served on the golden platter of the internet, wonder through the elaborate crockenbouche's that are my blogs, and if you dare, try the sweet deserts know as hyperlinks and travel to a distant place to which your senses have never been,

neon lights

neon lights
universal is taking over the world and not just ours, universal now owns the wizarding world

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

css: your friendley template helper

css, or cascading style sheet is it is more easily pronounced is a very handy thing to use, i don't know why we didn't start out using css instead of text edit i have no idea (well i do know it was to get a better understanding of tags and how HTML is set out.)
but is so much easier to set out a web page starting with a template and editing using css. the brilliance in css is the simplicity, if you change a colour for one heading and all headings with the same description change with it, unlike HTML where each individual heading colour had to be changed.
all aspects of the visual display of the web page can be manipulated, like colour, text size and font, image borders and everything in between. however the actual content of the page such as paragraphs cannot be changed. it is always good to consider accessibility when designing a web page, as a web page developed on HTML, cannot be interpreted to the vision impaired, however when using css template the information can be relaid to them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

major stuff up on my part!

i sent an email to Damian yesterday with a link to my post on summing it up and in the email i stuffed up! i went to put an anchor tag into the email and misspelt it (i put in a herf="..... instead of a href=" ...... or something like that) and now im shore i look like i don't know what the most important tag of all is!
any way their is nothing i can do about it now

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

summing it up

ok so this is summing up what i've done in MPI 104 thus far:
ar, week one two, it seemed like only yesterday that i was oblivious to the vast empire that is google, that i was still sharing my files trough the use of pen and paper, but now i use google doc's in everyday uni life, as a lot of my work is collaborative with my fellow SVPA students. although i haven't used any other tools that google offers since i made my account.
week three saw the introduction of what i found to be the most fun part of the course up until this point, even though it is really useless, as their are a lot easer ways to set a web page than righting out all the HTML tags for it. but i still enjoyed doing it, righting codes makes me feel like a hacker or something.
i also started my blog on blogger, i know that i only have five posts BUT, they are rater long and if you read this post you will discover why the are so few and far between, but my most interesting post has to be my looooooooooooooooong day because i'm still living it right now!
i have moved around my template on blogger and have added a few special features, such as my slide show, and my subtle tribute to harry potter. i have also mixed around the text and colouring of my blog.
i have commented on a few peoples posts but the only real interesting/funny one is this one
weeks four and five saw the arrival of del.icio.us and flickr, both of which i find of no real use to me at the moment, however delicious my come in handy in the future. at the moment i have nine pages bookmarked on delicious, three of my favourites have to be smart mouths twilight source and mugglenet, because they all have podcasts that go with them (all by the same people), and i love listening to podcasts on my ipod.
flickr i dont realy find useful because i already have Facebook, but non the less i keep it up to date with my nineteen photos and one interesting video, a few intersting photos are here and here.
i think that sums everything up.
have a great day.

my looooooooooooooooong day

ok, so i realise that my blog looks kinda empty, and thats because it is, but thats why i'm hear now, to fill up this space with interesting news from my life and i gotta say that the past 48 hours have been my most interesting in ages, mainly because i haven't sleep in that whole time! honestly i think i'm developing insomnia, because even after 48 hours of no sleep i'm not even tired, so here is my looooooooooooooooong day:
so yesterday everyone on centerlink got $5,000, which is great! BUT IM NOT ON CENTERLINK! all my friends are but i'm not, so phil (one of my lucky friends) decides that he has to much money and has to spend it, so after moving all his crap from lake albert to south campus in the morning and he see how big his room is he decides he wants a TV, a 50 inch TV, it is fucking massive! so on the way to the bank to withdraw his money (the cost would have maxed out his credit card for the day) we decide to have a look through a few music stores, and just on walking through phil decides to by himself a guitar (it was also his 18th birthday the day before so he also just got given a new violin as well).
basically the rest of that arvo we spent running round wagga but its just boring to write about so we will skip forward to when the TV arrives at phil's room (it had to be delivered because it wouldn't fit in my car), we get it set up (almost dropping it in the process) and realise that we have no ariel cable or cables to connect the commuter to it so we have to go back into town again (this is like the fourth time now and its like 6 o'clock). we get back to his room n i was going to stay to watch one movie just to christen the TV before i left, but then i get a phone call from alison:"hey do you guys wast to go to the botanical gardens with the others now?". of course we say yes (it wasn't like i have 3 assignments due in the next week!) and at that point someone decided do make a bad decision, a decision to bring goon.
all went well at the gardens, their for a few hours, get back to phil's place i'm fine, he is as sick as a dog, and sleeping on the floor, and i got the bed. after about 3 hours of starring at the celling i decide to put a movie on, i watch 'my best friends girl' twice, than 'oceans eleven', than 'oceans thirteen', at this point it is about 7:30 in the morning and i'm beginning to feel a bit under the weather... i'l leave the rest up to your imagination, but it was not a fun few hours for me, i felt much better after i can hold down my breakfast, and head back to my cottage for the next day.
so today was pretty boring after that, but it was long, i spent hours in the library researching my com123 assignment, than came back to my room to sit down at my computer and make shore i have done everything for my MPI assignment, and that is my very looooooooooooooooong day... so far, i still don't know if i will sleep tonight!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

please don't fail me Damian!

ok, i know i haven't made a blog post since before the holidays but their is a good reason, i have no internet at home! well i do but i would give anyone one hundred dollars if they could get it to work for more than 5 seconds at a time. and the sad thing is i'm not even being sarcastic, because of our phone line being split i cant get a ADSL connection at my house so we have to have wireless internet, which is ridiculously expensive and because i live in Yanco their is no reception because the signal comes in from Narandera and merungle hill blocks our signal, it doesn't help that my house is double brick and cement rendered which is handy if their is a nuclear explosion but not if you want to make a phone call. we even have a booster arial (which just adds to the wires of this so called wireless system) that is suppose to pick up the smallest signals and amplify it but when their is only a miniscule signal to begin with the result is 2 out of the possible 5 bars of signal. (and even Telstra recommends that you don't use a signal that is bellow 3 bars). any way this is only the start of the problem! when i do connect to the internet it literally gives me 5 seconds of 2 bar signal than it drops to 0 bars, which results in an internet speed that is slower than dialup. so i have been very limited with my internet usage over the holidays, that being said nothing really happened over the holidays... except, i was on TV! yay, admittedly it was for only 3 seconds and i looked like an absolute tool, but still i was on TV, it was at the leeton sun rice festival, me and a friend are eating rice cakes and telling the camera man how good they are (mine was salt and vinegar and i had a cut on my lip, so it really stung when i ate it, but i still smiled and said it was great)
it was also my birthday on the first of April and i got one of the funnest april fools jokes i had had in years. i got a call from the police station saying that my mother had been locked up for indecent exposure and she needed someone to come pick her up and bail her out, this went on for a few minutes, but i knew exactly what was going on, my brother (who is a police officer) got one of the other officers to call me and say all this in a very official sounding voice. it great to see that even after 18 years one my siblings still put some thought into my april fools birthday pranks, when i was younger they use to be fantastic, but over the past few years they seemed to have stopped trying, so this is a challenge to anyone who knows someone with a birthday on the 1st of april (you all know me now) to put some effort and planing into a good joke on them! if its all done in good spirits than everyone can have a laugh for years to come

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